Shortcut function with all steps to provide a Human Resources report
Shortcut function with all steps to provide a Human Resources report
- df
a dataframe set up according to the readme
- part
a string with what part of the report you want to produce "all", "A1", etc.
- format
A string (
will produce a properly formatted upload file."readable"
will produce a csv of the upload file (only works for one part at a time)."both"
will provide both options, but only works with one part at a time.
# \donttest{
#entire report
#> Uploadable results available at C:/Users/alanski/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMfPYuF/HumanResources_AllParts_2024-12-08.txt
#subsection with csv output instead of key-value txt
produce_hr_report(hr_staff, part = "A1", format = "readable")
#> Readable results available at C:/Users/alanski/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMfPYuF/HumanResources_PartA1_Readable_2024-12-08.csv
# }